
From roots that run on love and
veins throbbing with the breath
of a million sentimental poems
grew our very own Methuselah
Grand in its rugged ancientness
Carrying secrets of Earth’s soul.

This is our clandestine habitat
where you softly lay your head
and feel my fingers run through
an undergrowth of old fantasies
We travelled this far not to die
We evolved so we could survive.


Today marks the end of the #30days30poems #NaPoWriMo challenge. There were days when I did not feel like posting a poem, but I’m glad I persevered.

To everyone who read my poems and appreciated my efforts, a big hug of gratitude. Since today feels special, I’m sharing a poem that’s very close to my heart and one that made it to the anthology ‘Verses of Love’ published last month. This one is inspired by the grand, old Methuselah tree in California’s White Mountains which turned 4,853 years old this year.

I shall try to post frequently – though daily posts might be difficult – and hope that the few hearts that have found connection stay with me.

And now for a favourite song, but one that I haven’t listened to in a long, long time. Hope y’all like it.

Have a lovely weekend. Cheers!

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